PhD position in climate and weather extremes and agriculture in the Central Andes
75 %

Institute of Geography, University of Bern
The position is available from February 2025 and offered for 3 years (renewable to max. 4 years)

The Climatology group of the Institute of Geography and Oeschger Centre, University of Bern, led by Prof. Stefan Brönnimann, announces an open PhD position in climate and weather extremes in the Central Andes and their effect on agriculture. This project, which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, aims at providing information for building a decision support system for agriculture in the Central Andes.

The contribution of the PhD project towards above mentioned goal is to compile climate data products (weather stations, reanalyses data sets and satellite products) and apply geostatistical and/or machine learning methods to generate long-term daily meteorological fields. The PhD student will analyse the data and use them, together with other partners, for crop modelling under present and future climate scenarios in order to evaluate water and nutrient management options.
The successful candidate has an MSc degree in climate science, environmental science, agronomy, applied mathematics, or similar.
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Please send a letter of motivation, your CV, description of research interests and publication list as well as the names of three references in one PDF-file to
. Screening of applications starts 28 October 2024 and continues until the position is filled. Legal Notice