Postdoc – “Cell polarity proteomics in the grass leaf"

The research group “Stomatal Biology” is welcoming applications for a post-doctoral position (2 years). Our research group investigates how grasses and succulents form “breathing pores” or stomata on leaves and how different stomatal forms contribute to gas exchange physiology. For more information, please visit

We are looking for a postdoc with a completed PhD in biology (or equivalent) interested in deciphering cell polarity programs in the developing grass leaf. Experience in protein biochemistry is required to facilitate the identification of proteins interacting with polarity scaffolds using IP-MS and proximity labelling approaches. Experience in plant development, plant cell biology, microscopy and genetics is a plus.
The project is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
(Project 215019)
and focuses on cell polarity during leaf epidermal development in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon. Formative, asymmetric cell divisions establish and pattern the different cell types (stomatal cells, hair cells, pavement cells) of the leaf epidermis in grasses. We recently found that BdPOLAR is required for the asymmetric division that forms stomatal subsidiary cells
(Zhang et al. 2022 eLife)
. Interestingly, BdPOLAR is a molecular scaffold protein that likely forms a platform to polarize signalling components. Yet, the proteins targeted to these polarized platforms are completely unknown. Here, we will use IP-MS and proximity labelling approaches to identify protein interactors of BdPOLAR and two additional, polarized scaffold proteins relevant for formative divisions and morphogenesis of epidermal cells in the grass leaf.
We offer a vibrant and inclusive research environment that strives to answer fundamental questions in plant development and physiology of grasses and succulents (see our
lab mission statement
). We offer state-of-the-art research infrastructure at the Institute of Plant Sciences in Bern, Switzerland (). We are also affiliated with the Microscope Imaging Center () and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research ).
To apply, please send a single pdf including a motivation letter, a CV, and the names of at least two referees to
. The start date of the position is flexible. We start reviewing applications on August 19th, 2024, until the position is filled. Legal Notice