Starting August 2025 or as per agreement
How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world's leading life sciences institutes. With 32 groups and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community!
We are looking for an administrative assistant for two research groups.
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We offer you
We offer an exciting job as a member of our research groups with interactions to other administrative assistants, as well as contemporary employment conditions and social benefits within the framework of the university salary scale. Access to sports programs and fitness facilities, well-established services for balancing career and family (e.g. childcare, modern parenthood regulations and more) and numerous courses for training and development are also available to you.