PhD position in Molecular Plant Physiology
Bern, Switzerland
100 %


A PhD position is available at the University of Bern (Switzerland). The research project aims at determining the role of organic nitrogen (N) for plant performance. There is increasing evidence that plants not only use ammonium or nitrate as N source, but also acquire organic N, e.g. amino acids and small peptides, from the soil. It remains however unclear how much the direct uptake of organic nitrogen contributes to plant nitrogen needs. Our research contributes to increase knowledge on the uptake and reallocation of organic N in plants by exploring Arabidopsis accessions with altered regulation of organic N utilisation.
The international and interdisciplinary research environment at the Institute of Plant Sciences and the University of Bern offers an excellent opportunity for career development.
We are looking for strongly motivated candidates interested in molecular genetics, as well as plant cell and molecular biology.

At earliest convenience. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary will be according to the Swiss National Science Foundation and is limited to 3 years.
The position requires an MSc degree in biology or biochemistry and qualifications in plant molecular biology, plant physiology, genetics, cell biology or biochemistry.
The single pdf file should include a CV, description of research of research interests and experience as well as name and address of two references.
Please contact
Prof. Dr. Doris Rentsch, Legal Notice