Start date is by mutual arrangement, with the possibility to start immediately
How does life emerge from molecules and cells? This is the central question that motivates us. With curiosity and passion, we investigate the entire spectrum ranging from the atom to the organism. The Biozentrum of the University of Basel is one of the world's leading life sciences institutes. With 31 groups and 500 employees, we are a dynamic and international research community that has spawned many fundamental discoveries in biology and medicine as well as several Nobel Laureates. Become part of our community!
In Prof. Torsten Schwede's group, we use computational methods, with a strong focus on artificial intelligence, for integrative modelling of macromolecular complexes, including protein assemblies, protein-ligand interactions, and conformational changes. Our research also aims to understand and predict protein-protein complementarity, design artificial protein binders, investigate the effects of mutations on protein structure and function, and apply protein representation learning to uncover hidden links in the dark proteome.
At the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, we develop SWISS-MODEL (, a widely used web-based platform for generating high-accuracy 3D models of protein structures and complexes for application in life sciences.
In addition, we develop and maintain PLINDER, a resource designed to drive breakthroughs in deep learning-based protein-ligand complex prediction, as well as the Protein Universe Atlas, an interactive web resource for exploring the vast landscape of publicly available protein sequence and structure data. We also organise community efforts to advance the state of the art in structure prediction through initiatives such as CASP and CAMEO.
Your position
We are seeking a senior postdoctoral researcher to join our dynamic team. This position offers a unique opportunity for an ambitious scientist, providing the freedom to develop own research directions as part of our group's broader scientific efforts. We encourage candidates to explain in their cover letter how their scientific background and interests complement our group's research.
The position is initially funded for 3 years. Our team and the interactive, highly innovative nature of the Biozentrum and of Life Science in Basel provide a stimulating environment that offers all the possibilities to be creative and highly productive. Basel is a city that provides a high standard of living and offers all the advantages of an international community.
Your profile