PhD position in Mineralogical Crystallography at University of Bern

Phosphates represent a widespread group of minerals that not only play a fundamental role in several biological processes but are also exploited in many applicative fields, such as environmental remediation, surface-coating processes, and as cathode materials in Li batteries. Crystalline phosphates, especially those with a porous- and layered-structure, have attracted great attention because of their catalytic, magnetic, photoluminescence, and electrochemical properties. The aim of this project is to investigate the thermal and magnetic properties of phosphates materials in relation to their crystal-structure.

The PhD will be conducted at the University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences, in collaboration with the Laboratory for Quantum Magnetism (LQM) at EPFL in Lausanne. The candidate will apply conventional and novel techniques based on X-ray diffraction in combination with theoretical methods. Standard–laboratory magnetometers will be used for the determination of the magnetic susceptibility of the investigated materials.
Candidates interested in this position should hold a MSc degree in geosciences, chemistry or physics. Advanced English speaking and writing skills are a prerequisite.
We offer
The position offers a wide and interdisciplinary scientific environment with outstanding infrastructure.
For further information, please contact Georgia Cametti (
The following documents should be sent by e-mail in a single pdf document to until July 15th 2023:
  • Motivation letter
  • CV including the name of one Referee
  • Degree certificates Legal Notice