PhD Position in 4D Evolution of the Helvetic Alps

The Institute of Geological Sciences (University of Bern, Switzerland) invites applications for a 4 years PhD position, which is embedded in the swisstopo project '3D Alps'.

The aim of this project is to obtain a complete 3D model of the Central Alps, in which the PhD candidate of the announced position focuses on the 3D modelling of the Helvetic sediment nappes and underlying basement units. The expected 3D model provides the base for a tectonic 3D restoration yielding in the 3D paleogeography of the proximal to distal former European passive continental margin prior to inversion during collision tectonics. Besides 3D geometry, also constraints on the thermo-chronological evolution of the Helvetic realm will be incorporated for the restoration process. Besides building up on existing literature data the tools to be applied are own field investigations, data compilation and accomplishment using 2D GIS and 3D computer modelling. Depending on the personal interest of the PhD candidate additional directions such as U-Pb dating, Raman thermometry or clumped isotope studies can be combined with previously mentioned tasks. Owing to the close connection with adjacent tectonic units within the 3D Alps project, e.g. Subalpine Molasse/Flysch and Penninics, there will be a close interinstitutional collaboration with swisstopo and other 3D Alps team members.

For this multifaceted project, we therefore seek an excellent and highly motivated candidate interested in combining field and 2D map information with 3D computer modelling. Ideally, the candidate already brings in knowledge on Alpine Geology, is used to conduct Structural Geology/Tectonics research in Alpine mountainous terrains and is able to understand literature written in German. Given the team aspects, communication skills and the ability for team work are expected.
We offer
The Institute of Geological Sciences of University of Bern provides a stimulating and diverse research atmosphere with the possibility to interact between a variety of research teams. The ideal date for the start of the project will be January 1st 2024 but some flexibility in terms of the starting date exists. The project is funded for a maximum duration of four years. Required is a MSc in Earth Sciences or an equivalent degree.
Applications should include a cover letter with a statement of research interests and motivation to undertake a PhD project, a CV, transcripts of academic degrees as well as names and addresses of two references. The application should be sent electronically as single PDF file to Prof. Marco Herwegh ( Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For further information please contact Marco Herwegh by mail. Legal Notice